Monday, 1 December 2014

Day 335: Regarding writers...

Day 335: ...on Susan Sontag and the life of the public intellectual

Today I had some further gifts to buy for Japanese friends, work, a bit more work but the focus of the day was plans to see a new documentary, Regarding Susan Sontag

I have read Susan Sontag for many years, stretching back to her book AIDS and its Metaphors, which I read with a friend then dying of HIV (it was a long time ago). From that book I went on to read her On Photography (no surprises there) and then on it went, reading whatever I could. Of course, when she ended up with one of my favourite photographers Annie Lebovitz in the last years of her life, well, what a creative partnership...

I've made some interesting connections with Sontag's work and the work of Hannah Arendt too. I wondered if they met and shared conversations. Both wrote about the tragedy of war. Both make us think.

We took a slightly different route along Grey Street to get to the GOMA Cinema tonight, just as the wispy clouds showcased some of the architecture, old and new, along that street. It's a pleasant light for a pleasant night (and a bit of a change from the backyard, for once).

A Centre, by Convention

Clouds, knowing their Station (South Brisbane)

Now, back to Sontag and Arendt...imagining conversations, imagining the courage to live their public intellectual lives...

[Camera : iPhone 6, 6.19pm]