Sunday, 18 February 2018

Day 48/365: Waza 2018...

...and the traditions

You might recall from last week, dear reader, that I headed down the track to check out the annual traditional arts and crafts exhibition at the local department store. Artisans from all over come together to show off their wares as well as show off their skills as they do their arting and crafting on-the-spot. 

You get to speak to the artists, they tell you little stories about their pieces, and you promise yourself all over again to go off to different prefectures around the country looking at arts and crafts...

'waza' is the word used to describe their skills and artistry. 

Camellia-inspired pottery

With a special purple glaze...

...which is 'top secret'

A pen rest, but purchased for the musical note

No lacquer pendants from Toyama this year, but this bottle and can opener should be handy

All the arts and crafts

...and you spend money. Of course. This is the primary purpose of the exercise. One of the exhibitors remembered me from last year and we had a bit of a chat and I promised, again, I would visit her in Toyama one day. 

I now have some nice drinking vessels. They always come in handy.

[Camera : Canon EOS M5, 4.25pm-5.23pm; 17 February 2018]