Monday, 25 June 2018

Day 170/365: To the clouds...

...for inspiration

Some days I really don't have to move very far from the desk to see wonderful things. I work on the tenth floor of our building, as you well know dear reader, (*actually the 9th floor inAustralian English since the first floor is the ground floor, but you get the idea), and some days I just have to glance sideways from the computer screen to see amazing movement in the skies...




...and I don't mean the jets flying in to the airport in parallel formations on a busy day. 

The clouds move, change shape, change colour, sometimes quickly, sometimes not so fast. I can't confess to staring blankly out there but some days, it works like a canvas as I think and ponder and search for the right words to put on the screen in front of me. 

It is indeed a fortunate life. 

[Camera : iPhone8, 5.33pm-5.59pm; 19 June 2018]