Today is a class-free day, but an important day in the university calendar. It is the founder's birthday and close enough to the founding day of the university. This year is the 94th anniversary of the university, the founder would have been 145.
On this day we all head out to the Musashino campus to celebrate the life and times of the founder, acknowledge long-service (10, 20 and 30 years) awardees, endure a 'faculty development seminar' (since we are all here together...) and have lunch.
In addition this year, there was a performance by a Hokkaido drama group, 'Life in Coloured Pencils', based on a true story about a primary school girl, diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, recalling the last few months of her life and the notes she wrote and the pictures she drew with a packet of coloured pencils given to her by her teacher.
Stage |
A moment to reflect |
In the uni fountain |
Trekking through |
'Tis the season |
Just a hint of rainbow |
The drama ensemble performs for schools and community groups to present this and other events about life and death based on Buddhist principles. It was well-presented, well-produced, with photos of the young girl's actual pictures and notes projected on a back screen.
It was about remaining positive through tragedy, not to take each day for granted, just be thankful. It was as moving as you would expect this topic to be.
Thank you for reading this blog.
[Camera : iPhone8, 2.57pm, 4.26pm-4.28pm, 6.03pm; 21 May 2018]