Thursday, 31 May 2018

Day 150/365: It was a bit of a rush...

...yet another round of reviews

Take Tuesday, rinse, repeat but just make it three hours earlier. Another day at the western campus for the same length of time, just a good few hours earlier. 

That means particularly crowded rush-hour trains...

Trains, buses, brick walls--the day in a nutshell, or a pic at least

In the quad, western campus

Drips, drops

And then...

...the rain

...and who knows what at the other end of the day. So off I went, more meetings, more questions, more discussions. 

It remains very interesting, very insightful. Despite the hours, I'm feeling very fortune, still. (Ask me again in three weeks time when this is done...)

[Camera : iPhone8, 7.00am, 12.33pm, 5.00pm; 30 May 2018] (And no, I don't know how I managed two pics on the hour ten hours apart.)