Friday 31 March 2023

Another night of cherry lights...

 ...and tulips 

Although we've had disappointing weather for the sakura season, this evening I did another 'sakura by light' excursion to a park, sort of in the neighbourhood. Turns out, it is exactly one year since I last visited, which kind of makes sense since the sakura season is limited, but a nice coincidence nonetheless. (You can compare the two shoots with last year's here.) 

Not quite as crowded this time, and I suspect that has a bit to do with the sakura blooming a little bit earlier this year, but there were some nice pic ops.

Check the bugs!

I'm unsure about the artificial light saturation, both here at this park, and the ones by the river earlier this week...but I guess in the end, they are there for effect, and I guess it is an ok effect given the weather this year.

Shot on Lumix 99-G, 14-140mm.