Thursday, 23 April 2015

Day 113 2015: Back to first principles...

Day 113: order to avoid a car crash

The problem is, dear reader, am I speaking literally or figuratively? Well, a bit of both really. Sometimes I worry I put too many pics up each post. It is supposed to be *a pic* a day...just one, but sometimes there are just too many stories to tell. 

So some days I set out to try and take just one pic, just one that reminds us of life's simplicity, something we might otherwise overlook...which is also what I'm supposed to be doing. It is the first principle of the #project365 exercise.


Thursday is my late finish at work so I did delay my departure just a little today. Work is sometimes like watching a car crash in slow motion, and this week is another classic example. (I'd tell you dear reader...but you wouldn't believe a university could behave so badly. Although...I know, --> the other blog). 

But in fact, just as I was planning to leave, there was an actual car crash not far from my place which made getting out of my driveway a tad precarious. So, what does one do?

Try to capture some light and shade out the back of course. So I did.

New rose leaves

Jacaranda leaf

Bromeliad leaves

Made a wish...


OK, not *a pic*, not even two...but let's face it dear reader, which *one* of these first principle pics would you choose?

[Camera : Canon EOS 60D, 28-80mm, 7.53am-8.05]

^The actual car crash cleared up soon after; the work one, well, let's just say that 'tow crews remain at the scene'.