Saturday, 5 August 2017

Day 214, 2 Aug 2017: Slip slidin' away...

Day 214: ...but just this week

I recall this slide was set up last year. I recall there is some kind of water festival on in the precinct around this time. I know too, that this weekend coming is also our open day(s) at this campus. it is a busy time.

Sitting up on the tenth floor gives one quite the view on how to build a giant slide...

Meanwhile, the sunflower was halfway there

Slide the city...

Under construction

The work goes on (unrelated, I thing)

Now, just fill 'er up just never know when you will need that skill set...

[Camera : iPhone6s, 8.57am; Lumix TZ-85, 12.03pm-12.54pm; 2 August 2017]