Saturday, 30 September 2017

Day 273, 30 Sep 2017: A sprain is a pain...

Day 273: ...mainly on the brain

But actually my ankle. The brain part is just the frustration of limited movement.

So, how did this happen. I'm not quite sure, I've been kind of putting up with the pain for a few days but late yesterday at work sought some medical intervention. 

At this stage, it is just a patch over the strained bit and we'll see how that goes. 

It makes me appreciate just how fortunate I was when I first lied here in Japan...never sick, never need for a doctor, tickety boo health all the way. This time not so much but it is bearable I guess. 

I went out late this afternoon to get some more of these patches...

Through the local park to admire one of my favourite pieces of local public art

They can be talking, 




...let's see how they go.

[Camera : Lumix TZ-85, 4.53pm-4.55pm; 30 September 2017] 

A little ouchy