Sunday, 17 September 2017

Day 254.1, 11 Sep 2017: Helsinki 4...An unexpected Experience...

Day 254.1: ...Sibelius-style

Just when I thought I'd picked up on all the possible Sibelius-related things that one could do in five days, I discovered one more: something called the Sibelius Finland Experience, downtown in the National Hall, an hour of Sibelius music, played live, narrated by a specialist with a drink and CD present at the end...for about $40 or thereabouts. 

Bonus. Guess what today focussed on. No prizes though, too easy. 

Off I went, back on the tram, being very familiar now with the routine--down to Senate Square, find the Hall, book a ticket. 

And that all worked, in time for the 12.00midday show. 

The only glimpse of sun...early in the morning

The stairwell inside the National Hall

Panelling, details

Looking out

The programme

Scenes from a forest

Stained glass

Entrance foyer

In this building

Detailed panels

Our jolly host, speaker of at least four languages, simultaneously

More scenes, more music

At Ainola

Through the front door

Up the staircase


And what a delight it was. It just helped me re-live yesterday, for just a little bit longer. 

Well worth it.

[Camera : iPhone6s, 11.42am-1.20pm; Lumix TZ-85, 11.46am-1.26pm; 11 September 2017]