The timetabling gods weren't smiling on me this semester. Two classes starting at 9.00am, means a 5.00am up and at it to begin the 90minute commute about 6.00am. Yes, by that calculation I do get to work by about 8.00am but I've never been one of those lecturers who can walk from the car park to the lecture theatre (as it were). I like to check over notes, double check the IT (in this era of mostly inconvenient IT breakdowns) and just breathe.
We have a new-fangled roll-taking system now too (which went on the blink half-way through) and our 'new' class management system (another bit of annoying IT
Japanese university classrooms are a lot less tech-oriented than Australian university classrooms. When I left the Australian classrooms, almost every student
That early light |
Speeding this way... |
Floating that way... |
I know that feeling |
Just like the port. Some boats might look a little worse for wear, just like the teaching staff, but, they keep on working through whatever, the timetable throws at them.
[Camera : Lumix TZ-85, 8.23am, 2.48pm, 4.05pm; 19 September 2017]