Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Day 182 2015: Clouds on the horizon...

Day 182: ...are not necessarily a bad thing, always

Funny how our little sayings go. As one who works in a second language, I can be acutely aware sometimes of the differences which crop up from time-to-time. 

Take 'clouds on the horizon' for example. Indeed, even take 'take [a thing]' kind of idiom...oh wait, it is getting complex here. Anyway, 'clouds on the horizon' usually offers a foreboding...something interrupting a blue sky. 

But not always. 

This afternoon, as I emerged from a day at the computer writing grants and marking essays, I spotted some of my favourite types of clouds. Look at them, on the horizon, from my backyard. Just beautiful...

Take a seat (I wish)

Or try this one Goldilocks

Shaping up : cloud as Opera House

And just a little while later as the sun began to set...

Looking like a firestorm...

....but it is just a touch of sun
And the twilight finished with a spectacular almost full moon...

The moon

And an unusual conjunction of Jupiter and Venus this evening. Longish exposure, capturing some movement among the celestial bodies. 

Just for the moment
(Note to self: reasons to buy a bigger lens, no. 75 in a series)

A good day to be looking to the skies.

[Camera : Canon EOS 60D, 75-300mm, 4.37pm-4.38pm, 5.01pm, 5.20pm, 6.00pm]