Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Day 337, 3 Dec 2017: Exams...

Day 337: ...for the entrance thereof

So today we got to meet some of our potential students, but not in the usual open day, stress-free, conversational style to which one is accustomed. Rather, 'tis the season of entrance exams across japan as high school students spend their days in classrooms around the place trying out for entrance passes to different universities. We, the staff, spend our time in those same classrooms, supervising their every pencil stroke. 

Typically, there are three one-hour exams across about six is a long day for all concerned and it is not as if we can read or write or do our own work along the is strict supervision.

From the prep room

Patterns on the surface

Lovely day for exams

Going round and around

As I was leaving...


Today's 7day b&w
Considering the numbers, the day is arranged like clockwork, starting early with 
a 9.00am meeting with directed seating, through to the 33 page explanation of our roles, word-for-word in places as to what we say (and do) when, precisely.

I had to spend some time at the end of the day making final preparations for classes early tomorrow. I think we get to do this all over again, in January.

[Camera : Lumix TZ-85, 12.11pm, 5.30pm; iPhone6s, 11.41am; 3 December 2017]