Saturday 22 July 2017

Day 201, 20 Jul 2017: Making waves again...

Day 201: ...leaving all traces

The water in the port has that interesting consistency again. It leaves wakes in their wake...the bubbles or foam does hang around and form their own patterns. 

Apparently it is a bit of a phenomenon, there was a segment on tv the other night to explain the changes in the water in the Bay. At different times different combinations of plankton and the trace metals in the water combine to change the viscosity of the water both on the surface and below. 

It explains the different tinges too--sometimes reddish, sometimes browner, sometimes greenish. 

Long and winding wake

New boat

Follow the leader

Bird vs 'bird'

The clouds are gathering on the horizon too...summer storm time is here and it is just like home. Thunder, lightning, and even a bit of hail this week. The environment is a fascinating thing.

[Camera : Lumix TZ-85, 3.54pm-3.55pm; 20 July 2017]