Monday 27 March 2017

Day 85, 26 Mar 2017: Rainy days and Sundays...

Day 85: ...combine for a day at home

Despite all best intentions to go to the office today to capitalise on yesterday's excellent results, the rain and the cold brought a swift end to that idea. Just as we were experiencing unusually hot and humid weather at home last week, this week in Japan, the week that cherry blossoms should be everywhere, the weather has decided to take a U-turn back to winter. There is even some snow/sleet forecast for the early hours of the morning...

Although the office would have been the ideal place to do my work, I did manage a little bit of reading and filing here today. I didn't really get much beyond the four walls of the room however and when you look at the pics...

Drops on wires

Here, there...

...and everywhere 

Colour amidst the greys

Plums done

Tile wall across the road

...the bleakness more or less tells the story on its own. 

Still, it does show that even on a bleak day, if you look closely enough, there is always something to note...

[Camera : Lumix TZ-85, 4.56pm-4.57pm; 26 March 2017]