Sunday 7 August 2022

Dark clouds...

 ... have a silver lining... (194/365, 13 Jul 2022)

Or they would have had, on an old-fashioned negative printed later onto photographic paper. Not sure about that process now with all the digital effects. Anyway, yes, I know, three days of port side, office-window viewing, but sometimes the views are just so...well, photographic. During a busy meeting-filled day, the sky visibly darkened around lunchtime, suddenly...

The reason? It was right there, outside the window...

No editing here, no filters (unless you count the office window which needs a clean), just a straight, old-fashioned almost perfectly black and white reproduction. Sometimes it is nice to get back to (this project's) basics.

Taken with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens.