Sunday 7 August 2022

It wasn't going to be like this...

 ...really ... (195/365, 14 Jul 2022)

I didn't plan for this week to end up being a kind of ode to the port...but it has turned out that way, quite unintentionally. Partly, that has to do with the weather I suppose, it has been a bit rainy and overcast and picking a time to get out and about has been rather tricky. Still, there is a lot to see from the you can see.

Today, it was the clouds again...

It reminds me of staying at my nan's when I was younger, her house right on the beach and seeing the differences every day in the sky, in the ocean, learning to 'read' what it all meant. I didn't realise until many years later, what I though was a natural thing to learn, was really quite a valuable learning experience. It has served me well.

Today with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens...yes, it is working hard.