Thursday, 16 October 2014

Day 286: And away we go...

Day 286: ...the things you hear...

And so it came to pass that after days of preparation, hours of thinking and minutes to pack...the trip began. So much last minute running around with last minute requests from around the world that you will forgive me, dear reader, for presenting this pic as today's pic of the day. 

It is, however, arguable that in this case it is less about what you see and more what you didn't "hear" with today's pic.

Just sitting in the cafe, Brisbane Airport
I had a little time to spare before the flight to Sydney (thanks Qantas for dropping the Brisbane-Tokyo direct flights...) so casually sat down to have a coffee and read the paper. 

So I thought. In fact, what you see is really a disguise. You see, I happened to sit down next to two flight attendants also, apparently, on a break. 

Well, it just so happens that flight attendants tend to chat about passengers and fellow crew members just like academics talk about students and other colleagues and especially management

Just let it be known, dear passenger, every silly step you take, every silly comment you make...will be talked about...somewhere down the track. 

And now, it's time to take off: through a Brisbane storm, into a Sydney storm and finally to land at the same time a typhoon is due to hit Tokyo. If this project365 only makes it to'll understand why. 

[Camera : Phone 6, 4.23pm]