Today was a full day in 1898, or rather, in the Archives. Again. I think I've realised I won't have enough time this time around to investigate all the materials I need to look at...I'd love to take them home. I am feeling a little...rebellious...
Not unlike the high school lad I saw on the train this morning. He and his mate were sitting there quite properly, chatting away in their exclusive private school uniforms. They had that 'my life is planned out' look about them and I felt as bit sorry. When his mate got off the train though, this one fell asleep, slumped all over the seat and then I noticed his ankle socks and totally out of type! I felt a bit of relief.
Rebel... |
So many more interesting things in the Archives today: Like this fellow who wins the prize for the longest title, on a petition requesting the naturalisation of a long-term Japanese Thursday Island resident. (I guess he's no rebel...)
The longest title |
The seal of the then Japanese Consul-General in Townsville; if I read his name once, I must have read it 100 times today. He was the busiest Consular official I've seen...
Seal and signature of the Townsville consul Iijima |
I tried... |
[Camera : iPhone 6, 11.19am, 2.14pm, 3.03pm, 5.46pm]