Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Day 336: More thinky film pieces....

Day 336: ...it must be festival time

Yesterday I noted my friend and I went to see a film about Susan Sontag. It makes me very thinky when I see or read my more influential philosophers. 

I suppose I was thinking about the film and what Sontag rote about and what I thought about that when I snapped today's pics. I noted the Chinese jasmine buds had started blooming. I took the first pic (with raindrop, of course; that's really why I was out there, dear reader). 

Raindrops on jasmine buds
 And then I saw bud next to it, was about to snap and then realised it was blemished. My first reaction was not to take it, but then thinking about a different type of aesthetic, I decided to capture it, blemishes and all. 

perfection imperfect

It reminded of the emergence of the 'blemished fruit' movement which will be the next big grocery 'thing' I expect. Grocer's [sic] offering blemished and imperfect-looking but perfectly fine-eating produce. It's a hit in France apparently. 

That in turn made me take a pic of the madonna lily I've overlooked for a few days because look blemished. I decided I should give it a chance too...

Browned off madonna

Raindrops, just because they were there on this morning
We ended up at the film festival again tonight after work. This time to see the premiere of William Yang's latest venture, a film, Blood Links. It is a film version of his performance he is famous for and it portrayed his family's history and his Chinese ancestry in Australia, and more recently the United States. It was his history, the highs and lows, blemishes and all.

The blemishes a history do make. Worth remembering as we I stroll around the garden, seeking raindrop perfection. 

[Camera : iPhone 6, 7.08am-7.10am]