Monday, 22 December 2014

Day 354: A day of history

Day 354: ...all about the women

Because I don't do enough research as  it is, I decided that on this first day of the weekend, it would be a good thing to go to an all day seminar on Japanese women in early modern history. It predates just a little the era I'm currently working on. 

Hosted at Sophia University, one of Japan's oldest ones set up by the Jesuits to offer a Catholic education, it has been some years since I've visited this campus.

One of the original buildings

Sustaining coffee

The autumn leaves are still around...

Fern, rocks, rain

An engaging day of learning and discussion in both Japanese and English but by 6.00pm I was pretty tired and looking forward to getting home, even if it was in the rain...the first real rain for a few days.

There was much to consider in terms of my own work though. A very interesting day.

[Camera : iPhone 6, 9.45am, 10.25am, 1.03pm, 8.59pm]