Sunday, 21 December 2014

Day 352: Let it snow, let it snow...

Day 352: ...let. it. snow.

Time to return to Tokyo (although I could spend more time in the library...). Arrived at the station in plenty of time via a quick tour around the town with my colleague. There were some wonderful views, despite the cold winds. 

And started snowing. And snowing. 

Sunrays through the clouds, Wakayama Harbour

Three islands off the coast

On a clear day you can see ... Shizuoka, apparently

An example of the unique green rock from the region

Snow, on the way home, from the shinkansen

Stopped at a station...(from the window)

And snowing. 

It stopped the trains. Now this was interesting because I had to make a connection in Osaka to get back to Tokyo. Clearly, I was going to miss the connection. 

This required levels of engagement I hadn't needed to have with station staff previously, but somehow I managed to negotiate a new seat and a new train, in both stations. In the end, I only ended up two hours late. Pretty good considering the amount of snow...

It's interesting but I'm not in a hurry to repeat the experience. 

Oh, and do check out Day 352.5, the next page: it was a perfect day for viewing Mt Fuji...

[Camera : iPhone 6, 8.43am, 8.44am, 8.58am, 1.28pm, 2.04pm]