Saturday 12 February 2022

A short post...

 ...but with a little intrigue, I hope... (43/365, 12 Feb 2022)

Today was another work day, a meet the new students, pre-entry 'this is what uni is all about' kind of meeting. Unfortunately, as with just about everything these days, it was online. And while that has its advantages--no travel, for example--it is hard to 'meet' students online for the first time. But, as these students indicated, they are kind of used to it.

Although it was just a couple of hours in the afternoon, these things always take a bit of preparation. It also depended on how many of my colleagues were prepared to turn up as well to give their little chats of encouragement. (About 50% as it turned out, let's face it, we're feeling a bit burnt out at this time of year. [It is the end of the teaching year by the way, in case you are new here and wondering how people can be 'burnt out' in February.])

So once it was finished, I had little time left in the day but to do a quick grocery shop up the road. I took the cam just in case, but to be honest, when I looked up, as we should do regularly, especially when our days are spent stuck to a screen, I saw the moon rising. That will do, I thought.

One of these is a direct pic of the moon over Tokyo this evening. One of these pics is a reflection of the moon in a puddle of melted snow on the balcony. Which is which? I'll let you ponder...

Taken with the Canon EOS 90D, 70-300mm lens, at 300mm.