Tuesday 15 February 2022

It's a cliche but...

...it is like Groundhog Day...(46/365, 15 Feb 2022)

But there was a subtle difference. Teaching is over but the entrance exam opportunities continue. Today, a week day, not a weekend, was another opportunity for students still hoping to get in to a uni, at this stage, anywhere really. Or maybe they strategised things this way. Who knows. Heading in on the train very early on a weekday is quite a different experience to a Saturday or Sunday. But in I went, leaving about 6:30am to get there in plenty of time for the 9:00am clock-in. Which I did.

A mostly uneventful day, just one correction to check and lunch was well, like lunch all the other times except for a subtle difference. Look, I have no complaints really if they are going to supply us with lunch.

I completed a few admin chores while I waited and at the end of the day, left a bit earlier than usual for bakery goods day. Say what? you ask... On the 15th of every month, the local bakery has a special gift day whereupon if you buy a certain amount of breads and all the other lovely things they sell (it is my regular bakery just about every other day of the month too), you receive one of their special monthly gifts, usually crockery. It is fair to say that most of my crockery in the kitchen (and a bit I've taken to the office) has come from this little monthly effort. How many months have I been in Japan now...? Let's not count but it is a fair bit, and glasses. Some months they give away glasses. 

The usual view (8:34am)

The usual lunchbox (with a subtle difference)

The bowls this 15th of the month (with cheesy bread, still warm)

Look, ok it is probably true I could get similar inexpensive crockery in the supermarket across the road but it is not as if I go out of my way to especially buy the bread and you know, in this rather suburban (I was going to say white bread, but I won't) #tokyolyf, it is a bit of a thrill of a chase of sorts to get something for a confected 'nothing', is it not?

Just the iPhone 12 mini today because I had to haul to the laptop to work so no room for a cam, medium or big. Maybe tomorrow.