Monday, 3 January 2022

A day out... a park (3/365, 3 January 2022)

You know how you can live in a place for a long time and never really get out and about? You live there, you go to work, you travel home, you go to regular spots whether for shopping or theatre or observing the passing traffic. 

It is probably fair to say life in SE Queensland, in as much as I can remember it, involved pretty much that--work, sleep, and occasional trips to the bay to take photos, for a blogpost. Tokyo has become a bit that way too. It is where I work, where I live. I really only get around to touristy sites when friends and family visit and they want to 'see' places. Well, of course, that hasn't happened for a while, quite a while. And let's face it, movement has been rather restricted in the last two years. 

Anyway, reviving this blog gives me reason to get out and about on non-work days. Today was to a park not far from here but travel there is first by bus, then train. The roundabout return trip involved a ride on the Sakura tram back to Ikebukuro then home on a train and another bus (after picking up tonight's groceries, it's not all touristy after all). 

The park, Asukayama Park (飛鳥山公園) is quite a large one here in the northish-westish part to Tokyo. Initially established by one of the Tokugawa family members in the 18th century, it was one a several parks designated for the public in 1873. It has become more famous more recently however, following the relative popularity of a recent NHK Sunday night drama, about Shibusawa Eiichi, considered one of Japan's early industrialists (soon to feature on the new ¥10,000 note). It became his residence and you can visit museums and walk in his garden (with a few artifacts remaining). 

Today, it had a reasonable crowd, out enjoying the last of the official three-day break under brilliant blue skies. I reckon this park in spring, with all its cherry blossoms, would look amazing. Maybe a return visit is on the cards. 

Marker at the 'top' of the mt

Lots of monuments

A part of the Shibusawa tea gardens

A lovely blue sky day, I just enjoy the patterns of the foliage against the sky

Pidgeon in a bare tree

Parts of a shrine, brought over from Nihonbashi (long story) stored here too

Love a cobbled path

Plenty of stone lanterns around too

The Shibusawa Library, would like a look inside

Window detail

A small dwelling built for Shibusawa, a kind of lounge/dining, greet the guests place
I like the way the window reflects the houses in the neighbourhood

Looking inside from outside

Of course there is a statue of Shibusawa

Old steam train, something for everyone

Looking back as I leave. There were people, but not everywhere.

After a leisurely walk around, I hopped on one of the tram lines from the park back to Ikebukuro.
Just because. Well, just because, in all my years here, I don't think I've ever caught it. Another thing off that imaginary checklist. 

The tram tracks

Towards the Park

I caught the purple one


Pics today on the Canon EOS90D with a change of lens, the 24-105mm and pics of the tram off the phone cam, iPhone 12 mini.