Monday, 24 January 2022

Barking up another tree...

 ...I suspect the neighbours think I'm barking mad... (24/365, 24 Jan 2022)

Some Mondays start out with a small group discussion across time zones as we continue our Arendt reading from Saturday morning. Some Monday mornings start with a uni exec meeting which continue to be held online, giving the option to go to the office or stay at home. Some Mondays too, are a continuation of things left unfinished over the weekend. 

Today was the small group meeting (option a) and staying on to finish the weekend's article (option c). It has been difficult to get back into writing habits, part of the reason to get back into this daily posting, but also because my life has been consumed by administration over the last few years. That is coming to an end and so hopefully, my writing load will increase. It is, after all, one of the reasons one becomes an academic. I don't have a lot of confidence in it. My writing that is. But that might be a subject to a post on the other blog. 

All of that is a long way to say, I didn't really get out today. Except for a short walk down to the shop, and yes, you know the rest, 'to buy the paper'. That involves walking through the park and while the park trees were subject of a post just recently, today, instead of looking up, the focus was on the bark. I love (and miss) the bark of Australian eucalypts, but Japanese trees have their attractions, particularly the moss.

As I've noted previously, the original idea of the project 365 founder was to find joy or beauty in something each day, something we might otherwise overlook. I guess today was one of those days.

Tomorrow is another day, at the office. Let's see what the day brings. 

Today's pics from the iPhone 12 mini.