Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Back to campus, day 2...

 ...what's in store? (12/365, 12 Jan 2022)

As I noted yesterday, we are back on campus (for the time being at least) which means to keep this project going I have to, well, get out and about. It is very easy to get to campus, reach the office (which as we saw yesterday does have a million dollar view) and apart from going to classes, stay in the office for most of the (12-14 hour) day. Even more so these days when most meetings, even at work, are held online.

When I first arrived at my then new job, I wasn't quite as busy as I am these days and I used to enjoy heading downstairs and out of the main building and walk around the precinct. So one positive aspect of getting this project 365 up and running again is that I am going to quite purposively get out and about as the weather permits. Today was a glorious sunny day. Easy to head out for thirty minutes or so.

Of course, what this might also mean is that most of the pics are going to centre on the water. I like the water, I can watch it all day. One day, I might even be lucky enough to live near the water. We'll see. 

Anyway, today's pics...the inlet from the port, leading upriver where most of the boats I see from my office end up.

Quite a lot of ducks around here, we'll be seeing more 

I do like the play of light on water

A little play on perspective between the bridges (and ducks)

Quite a few TV dramas are filmed around these parts too. You never know, one day we might get to see some stars.

Today's pics shot with the Canon EOS M5 using the 18-150mm lens. (Not my favorite cam, it has to be said, Canon has gone on to develop better (terribly expensive for now) mirrorless cams but this one is reasonably compact in size, handy for taking to work.)