Friday, 21 January 2022

Floating on a cloud...

 ...well, not quite (21/365, 21 Jan 2022)

The teaching year is drawing to a close (witness yesterday's post) though not the working year. Marking and grading to come, graduations and the rest. From today, we had to switch back to online classes, a bit annoying because we have just a couple of weeks left but important to do I suppose with the jump in case numbers. just a whisker under 10,000 here in Tokyo today. So the numbers are definitely going up. In class today, and their last class next Friday, I had to give them the news today...the students are naturally disappointed, so close to the end. A different class next Tuesday, their last class for the year too. 

Final presentations, today and next week, and whether it is a sign of the times, the switch to online for all the students went surprisingly smoothly. 

I had a few admin things to do today, and just as I was thinking about heading out for a short walk* (*brisk, actually because today's temperatures have stayed in single numbers, heading for minuses this evening) before getting into an article I have to finish up, I noticed the clouds from my office. 

Now, we still had mostly blue skies here in Tokyo, but around the rest of the country it was snowing. Just as you get to read the clouds at home for incoming storms, I guess there are people who can read there clouds for potential snow. Maybe not these ones today but I do become enchanted with the way they traverse the sky, across my window, providing just enough distraction...

No snow in these ones, as it turned out, but I reckon it can't be far away.

Today's cam, the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens, from the tenth floor.