Sunday 27 March 2022

All in a day's blooming...

 ... sakura in urban settings, part 1... (86/365, 27 Mar 2022)

Most people's images of cherry blossoms at this time of the year usually involve temples, pagodas, river scenes, parks, wide open spaces (crowded with lots of people)... These last couple of years, the traditional 'hanami' or, shall we call them 'picnics' under the blossoming trees, have been limited due to Covid (surprise, surprise). I must admit, I've never been a fan of going to the popular or crowded or well-known places. I guess my philosophy has been, if it is in a guide book then probably two blocks away there will be an equally lovely spot, without the crowds. 

That wasn't exactly my plan today. The main objective was to make a return visit to the little restaurant I chanced upon last week, so I thought what I could do on the way there was stroll through the park that eventually meets up with the park near the danchi apartment I visited a couple of weeks ago. A leisurely 2km walk before dinner.

As I was preparing, I noticed that the canal was not too far from the station I planned to start at so, instead of stating in the park, I wondered off in the direction of the canal. Lovely surprise to find a long row of sakura, along the river, hardly anybody there...perfect spot really. OK, so the sky was a bit grey and overcast, and the blossoms aren't completely open but we are close. And it makes for a very interesting walk...

Are you ready? Here they come...

(Not all sakura)

In today's pics, I really want to show the ubiquity of the cherry blossom trees. You don't have to go to the famous places, the crowded places, the 'beautiful' places; they are everywhere, and for an urban Tokyo-type like me, I love the juxtaposition of the delicate blooms in the urban setting.

Well, that was today's walk.

Today walking along with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm.

Now, we just need the blue sky.

****Please respect the copyright of the photographer, thank you****