Monday 14 March 2022

At what point does one become...

 ... a collector?... (73/365, 14 Mar 2022)

Do you 'collect' things? Do you know why you 'collect' things? And by things, in this case, I mean objects. I probably have a few things I would say I 'look out for' if I am out and about browsing or travelling (when we used to do that). There is a theme of course...or maybe some kind of subconscious justification. 

As a kid, yes, I collected footy cards...had a set of all the Manly Warringah players at some stage. I cringe to see their value on auction sites these days. Mum and I enjoy looking around antique shops and shows, I think mentioned that last week. Mum gave me a china plate that belonged to her grandmother, my great-grandmother, a particular maker of a particular era, common in their day but harder to find these days. So while I don't 'collect' them per se, it is always enjoyable to see if we can find examples rummaging through the sales. Mum has an excellent eye, it has to be said, for antique bargains. But I digress. 

Today, on the way back from getting something as ordinary and everyday as a haircut, there was a special display of crafts from the Tohoku region, proceeds to assist with the Tohoku recovery, which eleven years on, is still underway. I happened to walk past a young craftsperson's stall which had, what I initially thought was a version of the Edo Kiriko, the Tokyo cut glass crafts...which I have come to appreciate later in life (but this is another unnecessary digression). In fact, as he explained, it is very different from the Tokyo version, it is 'sand-blasted' glass. Wow, that's different I said. And he proceeded to explain all the variations. well, with sake cups on display as well, what was one to do...unusual craft, speaking with the craftsman directly, helping Tohoku...and adding to my collection.


And this one today, got me looking at the others...

A few...too many?

My collection, which I said to myself last week I have to stop, soon. I mean I use them, they are not just for 'display', but how many are too many? Not enough...does it matter? (Except for the issue of transporting them all home again...) If there is a story in it...I'm afraid I'm in.

Just a quick accounting for them all today with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm...they actually deserve a more serious photographic record. One day. When I finish collecting them.