Saturday 5 March 2022

Taking a little detour...

 ... via another park, on the way to the station ... (63/365, 4 Mar 2022)

Today was one of those entire day planned around a thirty minute meeting mid-afternoon. That's all. Yes, I know there are plenty of things I need to be doing but during this brief moment of non-teaching time, I like to try and use my days, spare days, when they come along, for a little exploration. In fact, at the beginning of this week, right up until Wednesday, this weekend, starting today, was going to be a rare four days straight of no immediate work-related things. (Narrator: we know in academia a 'day of no work-related things' is not really true but sometimes you have to take what you can...)

Around Wednesday, spying this opportunity, I started planning for a trip to Osaka to see an acquaintance's photographic exhibition, which turned into 'well since I'm in Osaka, I might as well go to Kyoto', which turned into, 'maybe I should visit Lake Biwa' which turned into 'why not use the four days!', until Wednesday evening. 

So on the return walk to the station, I decided to go portside, yes that portside I usually see from my office window, but get up a bit closer. You see, there is a small park there too that runs along the port, blossoms in Spring, people fishing along the boardwalk...I did ask one person if they were having any luck and they said no in that way that made me think it was their secret fishing spot...

It was a bit overcast, though close to sunset as I wended my way down around the rock steps, the past, the water. The water. It calms everything. 

Up close(r) than usual

Needs a bit of a tidy up, but 'art' is everywhere

'Tokyo Big Sight' portside


Up close(r) than usual, pt 2

Not far away now...

So it is off to Osaka/Kyoto tomorrow; back Sunday. There might be a brief delay in posting. Oh, why not stay until Monday you ask? Late today, actually this evening, a new meeting was scheduled, for thirty minutes, mid-afternoon...just like today. Talk about deja vu all over again.

Today with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens.