Friday 6 May 2022

The fading light...

...a study in kitchen objects... (125/365, 5 May 2022)

(I was going to sound arty and say 'found' objects, but they're not, they are just in place, in the kitchen.)

Today is Children's Day (more traditionally Boys Day--Girls Day was in March), so I should have been out looking for koinobori, the kite-like, streamer-like koi-shaped decorations that dot the country at the moment. (All for fathers to show off the number of sons, or some such, some time ago, apparently.)

But rather slackly, I opted for a rest day of sorts before we kick-off teaching again tomorrow, 8:50am. Some might say 'ugh', I couldn't possibly comment. Besides, I still wanted to bask in the joy of yesterday's little trip to the best little omiyage shop in Tokyo. But I digress. 

Time sort of got away from me and by the time I realised I needed to 'post' tonight, well, it was getting late. Or, as it turned out, the light was fading 'just so' and photographically-speaking, challenging. Photography is all about the light after all--how much should you let in...pretty philosophical hobby if you want it to be.  

I'm not usually home at this time of day, of late, and the setting sun hits the kitchen in a certain way...I looked around and various objects made for a study in light and shape.

None of these photos have been edited, this is just the 'colour'* that comes with the assignment.

*Not indicative of any colour, or lack thereof, I may have exhibited earlier this week.

This evening with the Canon EOS M5 18-150mm, which was all charged and ready to go outside, until I saw the light.