Monday 30 May 2022

Locked in?

...look up, then look down ... (150/365, 30 May 2022)

...there is always something. 

The day dawned, but the real estate agency doesn't open until 10:00am, just half an hour before my two hour meeting begins...this will be interesting in terms of juggling time. 

While I was waiting, I heard the call of one of the local birds, which always sounds delightful, almost like hearing the call of a magpie at home. It is, I think, the 'hiyodori' or bulbul, I'm still learning the names of the birds around the place. This one turns up fairly regularly and usually on the tv antenna on the apartments across the road.

Meanwhile, I had an appointment with the locksmith after my meeting, and he rang at the appointed time, arrived at the appointed time, and...sprayed the lock with magic spray... that was all. Anyway, I can now lock the door no problems. However, I didn't have to go far for today's pics. After noticing the bulbul above, I noticed my parsley was starting to go to seed...and look, who knew parsley could look like this?

Worth a shot or three I reckon. Back to normal programming, back to school, tomorrow.

Today, the bulbul via the Canon EOS 90D, 70-300mm lens at 300mm, while the parsley taken with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens.