Tuesday 10 May 2022

What becomes of the scattered blossoms?

 ...why, the turn into cherries of course ... (130/365, 10 May 2022)

Back to the office today, for a series of online classes...that's just how it is some days. Judging the morning commute and allowing enough time to get to campus give or take the odd train delay, trying to avoid an overly-crowded train...all those things mean leaving fairly early (one never seems to avoid crowded trains early in the morning however...).

But there was time enough at the other end of the day to leave with just enough light to, yes, dear reader, go and observe the water. On the way, however, I noticed the formerly cherry blossoms had turned into cherries...

The always calming waters...

I guess it is the normal course of events but I note not all trees end up with actual cherries. I should investigate further. On the other hand, as tempting as it might be, I follow the Australian bush rule-of-thumb (or rule of something or other) and if the birds aren't eating the berries, then they are probably not entirely appropriate for human consumption. Shame really...so many cherries here down by the canal (on the species of tree that has the lovely edible leaves...). Oh well, I'll just have to wait for them to appear in the shops.

Today, an early evening stroll with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm.