Wednesday 15 June 2022

It is Nature Photography day...

 ...I didn't know that but by sheer coincidence... (166/365, 15 Jun 2022)

With the new term starting today, there is a new timetable to get accustomed to (for seven weeks just get used to it and...but I digress), and new classes. Today started with the first period of the day, 8:50am. It was online so the choice is to work from home or try and get to the office on crowded morning commuter trains...might as well work from home in the morning and head into the office for meetings later in the day. 

Such was the plan. Until...

Just as I was getting ready to go (after a quick trip to the bakery--it is the 15th of the month which means little gifts when you spend a certain amount, I have collected much of my kitchen crockery that way...but I digress), when I heard quite a commotion outside. It was a commotion reminiscent of the noisy miner birds at home when they see a possum, or a kookaburra, or a carpet python. Now I knew I wasn't 'home' home, but I was intrigued. 

Well when I looked outside, the neighbourhood park was like a scene from Hitchcock. I captured one or two flying around, and then the 'money' shots, as it were...

And then to learn it was Nature Photography day...well what a pleasing coincidence. This is a 'mukudori' by the way, a starling, member of the sparrow family. I don't know what the lizard was, sorry. And sorry, lizard. Nature Photography is what it the 'burbs.

And being at home, I was able to grab the Canon EOS 90D, using the 70-300mm lens. And after all that excitement, I decided that rather than head to the office to sit in the office to attend online meetings, I might as well sit in front of the home PC...this is life now isn't it.