Friday 29 April 2022

A long day at the (campus) office...

 ... ending in a view of the water... (118/365, 28 Apr 2022)

I remember in my previous job, on a campus which was near the sea, that as I was coming to the end of my time there, I made a conscious decision to stop by the beach a few times a week since it seemed a bit silly that after almost 13 years of commuting (narrator: yes, thirteen years of commuting, 200km round trip each time, almost every day and occasional weekends) I hadn't really been taking advantage of being so close to the place where I feel most calm. 

Now, these days, as I am thinking of returning home, or the work day ends in a bit of a frazzle, I head towards the water, any body of water, to look, to reflect. You will recall dear reader, there have been a few such posts here of late. 

Today was one of those days. No longer Head of Department, but the meetings continue and you know (we all know) that member of staff who think only his opinions matter, who seems to make a game of testing out the new chair, who never advances anything (and draws the most complaints from students, but that's not his fault) and on it goes. A thirty minute meeting drags on for over two hours and then you're stuck doing the work you thought you were going to get done earlier gets done later...on the eve of seven days Golden Week holidays...

Then, there was the water...

As I walked down and back, I was acutely aware that walking in a park at 9:00pm is probably not something I would do at home; while I'm not blaze and remain alert, it is still a privilege in these times.

But capturing the lights and the water, settled my frazzles and then it was on to the station. Home, noting I should do more nighttime photography.

Today with the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm lens.