Saturday 16 April 2022

A rainy first day... we go again ... (105/365, 15 Apr 2022)

Riding the early (very early) train to work this morning, I tried to work out how many 'first day of class' days I have had in this academic life. Well, safer not to reveal the number, suffice to say it is quite a few. And I have to remember, on this suddenly cold, wet, rainy day, with the first cyclone of the season hovering off the coast, that although I've done a few of these, for this morning's first years, this is their first one. I remind myself how important that their first day will stay with them for a while and how it goes (or doesn't) will influence their university experience. 

The first day today (yes, a Friday, and Good Friday too in other parts), starts in the first session with the first-year seminar. It is a bit of an intro to everything really, a follow-up to last Saturday's orientation, but their first 'proper' day. I know of colleagues, present and past, who deride teaching at universities, who find it burdensome, who would rather not teach if they could. And look, I know I am at that point where, at times, I think my time is up, like the halfback that goes around for another season when they should retire, and yes, in my life plan, I was supposed to be back home now, doing other things...but while I'm  here, and when I walk into that classroom, I make the switch and do my job. Teaching matters. 

I think we all left the classroom 100 minutes (yes, 100 minute classes) later, a bit excited about what was ahead. Next week, it is discussing and sharing understandings of politics, especially with two elections coming up--both in Australia and Japan.

I actually spent the afternoon compiling some research materials, for some ongoing work...again that sense that my time is no longer taken up by mind-numbingly mundane bureaucratic tasks. I have a little more time to read and think. 

The rainy port view

The last of the sakura...

The very last...

The rain hadn't abated by the time I decided to leave. The cyclone (typhoons as they are called here) is supposed to hang around until tomorrow, but clear in time for Sunday's excursion...more to come.

Today, the Canon EOS M5, 18-150mm, with the last few frames of the card. Time to get a new one.